Ved Mandir

Ved Mandir Orphanage

About Us

Ved Mandir Orphanage was formed by Swami Champa Nath Ji Maharaj, a saint and Maharaja Pratap Singh laid the foundation stone of Ved Mandir on 20th December 1916. He granted 10 and a half acres of land to serve good causes.
In 2011, Maharaja Pratap Singh Vedic Vidyalaya was established in Jammu at Vedic Mandir, Ambphalla, for the study of Vedas, focusing on the Madhyanvandan branch of Shukla Yajurved.

  • Registered under the Societies Registration Act 21, 1860, in 1964.
  • Registered with the NGO DARPAN under the Forex Department of the Government of India, with a UNIQUE ID CODE-JK/2021/0189221.

Affiliated by –

Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Ved Vidya Pratishthan 
Ved Vidya Marg Chintaman Ganesh P. O-Jawasiya Ujjain (456006) 
M. P Ministry of Education Govt. of India
Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Ved Sanskrit Shiksha Board
Vedic System

Institution’s Objectives

Ved Mandir Orphanage

Ved Mandir Bal-Niketan

Ved Mandir Balniketan was founded in May 1961 and currently houses 127 children between the ages of 6 and 16. The organization prioritizes orphans, providing them with free accommodation, education, healthcare, and other facilities. There are separate residential premises for boys and girls, as well as computer learning centres for both. The average expenditure per child is about Rs 3000.

Ved Mandir Orphanage

Ved Mandir Balika-Niketan

The double-storey building housing the Orphanage for girl-children is located at a very ideal site and has 8 dormitories, three spacious halls, office accommodation, a computer learning centre with 5 computers, kitchen with pantry and store-room, two toilets/bath-rooms blocks. It can accommodate 50 children.

As of July 2024, it has 47 girl-children. Children are provided food, shelter in dormitories, clothing, education, Medicare and all other required facilities free of any charge. They have adequate playing facilities with park equipment. TV Sets, Refrigerators and other indoor game facilities are made available to the children. All other facilities which are provided to the Bal Niketan children are extended to the girl children also.